Il miracolo celato
Il miracolo celato is a baroque ensemble based in Bremen founded by students and graduates from the HFK - Bremen. They play on copies of historical instruments: Sackbut, Recorders, Cornetto, Gamba, percussion keybordinstruments and singing. Most of the players play more than one instrument.
Banda Authentica
Banda Authentica is a renaissance ensemble based in Bremen. It was founded by Alexandra Mikheeva and Iris Tjoonk in 2015. They already performed several programs: L'homme armé, Maximilian I, a Musical journey through renaissance Europe. The ensemble mainly consists of Sackbuts, Cornets and singers, but sometimes they expend to a larger ensemble.
The Orpheus Consort
The Orpheus Consort is an ensemble based in NRW Germany focussing on early 17th century music. For more information and bookings check out the website: https://the-orpheus-consort.de
Ad hoc ensembles
Iris also plays a lot in ad hoc ensembles to prepare requested programms for special occasions. until now she worked with: brass quintet, brass quartet, brass trio, trombone trio, trombone quartet, trombone choir, piano trio, experimental settings for modern music, sackbuts cornetts and strings, all kind of other early music settings, brass and singers, trombone and recorder, etc. It is possible to hire her to make a suitable setting for your special occasion! because of her wide knoledge of styles and music she can give advices about the repertoire you need in case your idea is not completely clear yet. don't hesitate to contact!
Lupo - fantasia for 3 bass instruments - Fabio de Cataldo, James Wigfull, Iris Tjoonk